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New Networking Opportunity for Parents Who Have Been Through a Termination of Parental Rights



TPR Parents

June 14, 2014 – By Linda Martin

Are you a parent whose parental rights have been terminated? Are you in need of support and understanding from others who have been through a termination of parental rights?

I’ve noticed more and more recently that parents who have been through a termination of parental rights are coming to this site, often looking for ways to reconnect with their children.

We all know that after TPR and adoption it is very unlikely that the children will ever be recovered.

I’ve heard of only a few such cases. There was unification with a natural parent when an adoption fell through. This is so very unlikely. I’m sorry, so very sorry… and I feel the pain of those who have lost their kids either temporarily and permanently. We are all connected, and I tend to connect to that pain so I’m with you on wanting the pain to stop and wanting some kind of resolution and an end to the trauma experienced by parents who have been TPR’ed.

God has put it on my heart to start a new message board area on our message board forum, called TPR Parents.

TPR Parents is a place for parents who have been through a termination of parental rights to network about ways to reconnect with their children, cope with the trauma of separation, and promote advocacy against this cruel system of family destruction.

I hope that many of you who have been through this horrible traumatic attack on your soul, your spirit, your motherhood or fatherhood, will find some benefit and support from sharing your issues and concerns with others in the same situation.

Here are a few suggestions I’ve got for parents who have been through a termination of parental rights (TPR).

1. Set up a blog at to write to your children. The goal would be that your children would eventually find your blog, their childhood photos, and stories about their early days, and thereby know how much you love them, and what led to their time in foster homes.

2. Do the same on Facebook, and any other major social media site that comes up in the future. Get your name out there for the kids to find. Moreover, get their names out there, because eventually almost everyone Googles their own name to see what’s there.

3. While doing what I suggested above, do not put anything potentially embarrassing on the web. For example, if a child has been sexually abused you should NOT mention that as it would cause them a ton of embarrassment when their school friends see it… and they could end up hating you for that. Use caution and wisdom in setting up any websites or pages concerning your children. They would be most interested in reading nice stories you remember about them while they were growing up.

4. Learn about court cases in your area regarding parents whose rights have been terminated. You can find these at a law library in your county. Look for appellate cases. Share those on the message board for TPR Parents. Educate yourself about the law as much as you can.

5. If you’re praying for help, wait for God’s timing. In the Bible there are many references to waiting, because God isn’t on our time schedule. For example: Psalm 37:34 is one I saw during my morning Bible study today: “Wait on the LORD, and keep his way, and he shall exalt you to inherit the land: when the wicked are cut off, you shall see it.” Enlisting the help of God by sincere faith in Jesus is the most effective way to get traction, because God is the only one more powerful than the evil child welfare system that takes children and destroys families. Don’t expect instant results from God because He heals us through waiting, but keep the faith and know that if you give it all to Him, He will be there for you.

6. Strengthen yourself mentally. Do not give in to a desire to use drugs or alcohol to numb the pain you’re feeling. This will only cause more problems, and soon these substances will control you.

7. Learn about the effects of trauma, and examine your life to see how much this has affected you. Start a self-healing journal, and be kind to yourself. We all go through difficult times, some more than others, it is true. If you’re filled with guilt and shame, realize that almost all people go through that. Only sociopaths don’t feel bad about things they’ve done. And we are all sinners; every one of us has made mistakes. That’s the human condition. So don’t feel alone. Don’t feel stigmatized. We’re all in this together.

8. Increase in wisdom. A good place to start is to read the Biblical book of Proverbs. There are 31 chapters. Many people read one chapter each day, reading through the book once each month, repeatedly. The more wisdom you get, the better your life will become, and in the event that your children return to you someday, you’ll be better able to help them with their trauma, troubles, and despair.

9. Help as an activist to expose and change the CPS system. Your help is crucial, because most people who still have their children are afraid to speak out. You may want to be quiet, hide the pain, and hide the truth about what happened to you. Maybe you’re afraid of what others will say. However if you speak out about injustice and corruption, bravely, fearlessly, you’re more likely to get the respect of others than if you cower in fear and shame. Go to congress, tell them your story. Ask for new laws that will protect people from experiencing what happened to you. It could be that your pain will be transformed into something powerful and beautiful, giving a benefit to all others who come behind you.

Okay, those are only a few suggestions. Anyone else wanting to give comfort, helpful advice, or information to TPR’ed parents, please leave a comment below.

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Constitutional Rights





By SPEAK Project | Sep 27, 2019, | Constitutional RightsResourcesStand Up Now

This is an unofficial outline/synopsis of the document entitled, “Ten Steps to an Assembly,” by Will They Ma’Kit, provided by the Michigan General Jural Assembly to assist with creating an assembly to redress of abuse by government offices and the agents that presently occupy those offices.


  1. Appoint someone to take notes
  2. Guide the discussion into the form of an assembly
  3. Use Bill of Rights Article 1 as the people’s authority and power to do so.
  4. Plan time and place for the next meeting
  5. This meeting and the notes become the minutes and the record of the first meeting of the assembly.


  1. Three offices/officers are vital to the development of the assembly:
  • Moderator to keep order and decorum 
  • Recording Secretary/Scribe to keep minutes and gather the notes from the note takers and to maintain the record of the assembly
  • Bailiff to assist the moderator in keeping order and to break up any ruckus that may break out because of the differences in ideology about any particular issue. 

There are other offices that an assembly will desire to have in place to handle things that are on the floor of the assembly for discussion and voted into being such as Treasure, Chaplin, Historian, and other offices and positions that the assembly deems necessary to function.

 3. ELECT 25+2 “BARONS” to administer stability & security

  1. 25 plus 2 alternates needed to participate in grand jury deliberations 
  2. 25 plus 2 alternates members to establish the state level assembly. 
  3. 13 members to establish the county assembly, which also may be used as a petite grand jury. 
  4. We called this establishment of the state and county assemblies as settling the state and county under de jure jurisdiction


  1. The purpose of assembly is to move the elected people in government offices, in the direction of protecting the people’s rights and to cease abusing their office for self-aggrandizement and self benefit at the expense of the people. 
  2. This is done by making the people of the state and county aware of the existence of the assembly and that they can become members by whatever process those in the present assembly agree on by a vote that is seen to be right for the assembly, whether that is by majority, quorum, etc. 
  3. The will and desire of the people are the reason the assembly exists and that all come to a consensus and agree is the most important factor to be observed. 
  4. All who gather are to be heard and their input considered, exercising the concept that all have a voice and all in concert can speak as one voice to an aberrant agent in a government office.


  1. Publish  a notice in the “legal notices” section of the major news organ for the state level and in the local county news organ again in the legal notices section for the county. 
  2. If there is resistance to publishing these notices challenge them using the same 1st article in the Bill of Rights that they themselves use. 
  3. There are caveats to this publication which you must insist upon:
  • It cannot have a box around it as legally they have then conquered your assembly and can dictate and claim jurisdiction. 
  • Look at how attorneys have their notices published and insist upon the same courtesy. 
  • The notice must be published three weeks in a row with the paper being purchased and given to the scribe for the record. 
  • The final publishing is when the assembly reads the article into the minutes of the county board of supervisor’s board of commissioner’s board of trustees, or whatever county town hall or business meetings takes place in your location.
  • The state level publication is to be published Four weeks in a row and then the article and a notice is mailed by Registered Mail to the state governor and the state attorney general.
  • Any rebuttal will have to be counter challenged by the assembly in a way the assembly determines.


  1. Assign three or five volunteers to research and bring the finding and conclusions of evidence to the assembly 
  2. The assembly as a whole can develop the notice to be delivered to the offending government office and the agent(s) involved, or the particular statute rule ordinance or regulation that has caused harm to the people or the people’s property. 
  3. This process educates assembly members to the point that they can educate the larger community. 
  4. This is how We THE People effect change and demonstrate our ability to self-govern and hold our elected appointed and hired government agents responsible and accountable for their actions. 
  5. This is done by 1st getting rid of all their immunity codes that allow them to act aberrantly and abusive with impunity and a new power of the people to remove them from the office they hold. This includes attorneys and judges and law enforcement persons.


  1. Records are vital to the assembly to rebut and challenge efforts to minimize, do away with or ignore the communication from the assembly 
  2. The education of assembly members and community must ensue in a peaceful, lawful manner. 
  3. We THE People require our public officials to perform the duties and obligations of their office with integrity and impartiality. 
  4. The present day observation of the offices of government is a constant affront on the people’s rights. Those rights will not be protected by these government offices as the assembly reduces the power and authority of politicians and attorneys in these offices who seek total control. 
  5. These grievances are brought out by the assemblies through the use of written communications in the form of notices, FOIA requests, complaints and has to follow a developed standard so the case can be made for the repeal or removal of the office holders.
  6. These protocols that the assembly develops are crucial and the chain of evidence that helps to support the work of the assembly. 
  7. These records and the records of the assemblies work to reach the conclusion they did and the actions they took are vital to prove the status and standing of the assembly.


The continual creep of attorneys into government office and the corrupt politicians that have sold out their office for financial gain and re-election potential with favors is well known and observed. All the while they put in place enslaving legislation that is abusive and costly to the people and their nation.

The legislative process has been usurped and utilized against the people and the assembly has the function of dissecting the verbiage of these legislative documents and demanding correction or repeal. 

  1. Functions and Operations of the Assembly: guiding concepts, principals and standards to inform present and future assembly members as to how the assembly functions. 
  2. Functions and Operations of the Grand Jury that the assembly is and supports. If determined that a Grand Jury action is appropriate the deliberations can be presented as an indictment of the office and or the office holder.
  3.  Once these indictments are handled, a process to be determined, the assembly must keep communication going directed to the office that is charged with the responsibility of protecting our rights to effect the desired change.


  1. By now the assembly should:
  • Have its operations established and a record of what the assembly is doing and what it proposes to do. 
  • This includes the meetings minutes  
  • It has filled offices to orchestrate the business of the meetings and communications with the government agents at whatever level chosen to address   
  • Without a record of activity the assembly is little more than a group people meeting and discussing a wish list without any evidence of any actions taken. 
  • The minutes of the meeting, whether by physical meeting or phone meeting is the record of the identifying an infraction of the government, the proposed correctionof that infraction and the communication of the identity and proposed correction to that office. This is the purpose of the assembly and the type of dialogue communicated to government that informs them their behavior is under scrutiny by the people.

We believe that these abuses cannot be addressed by any other means rather than the long time desire to sue them in courts that are manipulated by attorneys to extort the people and obligate their labor for damages that no man or woman has caused. 

The wish of people to walk in and arrest judges and sheriffs and police for their abusive acts will not happen until the people make it their “right” to do so. 

Most states will find their efforts to hold their elected and hired government agents accountable blocked. As the assembly researches the method the government is supposed to work and how it actually does will be an experience that will rile emotions and instill anger which needs to be directed at challenging the legislated abuses and agent protective immunities to effect change.


  1. Meet at regular times to:
  • Discuss the findings of fact
  • Discuss the desired conclusions
  • Demand the correction to the problem identified in written form 
  • Compile documented evidence

2. Create state assemblies, to

  • Discuss the business of the state assembly 
  • Partake in the National Assembly call to discuss the national governments abuse 
  • Partake in developing communication of these abuses to the national government as well as the state’s congressional representatives from a unity of states position. 

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CPS Resources

Parents: Do You Remember The Fourth Amendment?




Our Fourth Amendment is in Danger – What is the Truth?

February 9, 2007 – By Linda Martin

If you’re a parent living in the USA with young children, and if you don’t know what the Fourth Amendment is, please pay attention. This information could save your family.

The Fourth Amendment states that government workers can’t enter your home without your permission, unless they have a warrant based on ‘probable cause’.

Here’s the exact text of the Fourth Amendment:

“The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.”

It has been established that this protection applies to Child Protective Services (CPS) caseworkers just as it applies to law enforcement officers. Despite the clear text of this section of the Bill of Rights, many caseworkers still think they can force parents to allow them into their homes.

Near the end of January 2007, a child protection caseworker showed up at the door of a Michigan homeschooling family. She would not read a paper the mother handed her regarding her rights, and yelled at the mother, insisting that she should be allowed to enter immediately to do a “strip search” of one of the children. She was basing her intrusion on an anonymous tip stating that the children listened only to Christian music, that they “ate their cheerios dry”, that their only socialization was through the church, and that the mother pinched and hit her children in church to keep them quiet.

Since when is listening to Christian music or socializing in church a form of child neglect? And eating dry cheerios – is that a crime? If the caseworker had kept her complaint to ‘pinching and hitting’ she wouldn’t have lost her credibility and we wouldn’t be laughing at her now. However remember, this was all based on an anonymous tip, and who knows what the motivation of that phone call might have been?

The mother contacted an attorney, Chris Klicka, of the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). He sent the caseworker a letter regarding her rude and unprofessional behavior toward the family. He noted that she obviously hadn’t received the social worker training in the Fourth Amendment. A year and a half earlier HSLDA helped pass a law in that state which requires all caseworkers to be trained in their “duty to protect both statutory and constitutional rights of those being investigated.” Klicka also informed the caseworker that she would be held liable for violating the family’s civil rights.

Meanwhile the mother responded to the investigation by getting a statement from her children’s doctor indicating that her children were not abused. She also got letters from people who stated that they were good parents to their children.

The caseworker continued to try to interview the children and strip search them, and threatened to get a court order to do so. Klicka informed her that she had no ‘probable cause’ for a warrant because anonymous tips don’t qualify as credible evidence. The caseworker insisted she would get a court order, but instead, a few days later she contacted the family saying she would drop the case.

I guess she finally figured out what the Fourth Amendment was, and what ‘probable cause’ meant.

HSLDA, the Home School Legal Defense Association, serves mostly homeschooling Christians, but will provide legal defense for any homeschooler regardless of religion, so long as the dues are paid. This defense extends to homeschooling families facing accusations and investigations from Child Protective Services. HSLDA lawyers have been instrumental in going to court for homeschooling families with CPS problems, and have managed to establish very positive case law protecting anyone facing false accusations of abuse. For that, HSLDA lawyers should be praised by all families, forever.

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CPS Resources

Your Case Notebook – Is It Up To Date?




December 8, 2008 – By Linda Martin

You all have notebooks, right?

Is your notebook up to date?

A notebook, preferably spiral bound or a legal tablet is a handy place to keep a running record of everything that happens in your CPS case. The caseworkers are keeping notes on you in the case narratives section of the case file. You should be keeping notes on the caseworkers. You should have a record of every contact that occurs during the course of your CPS case.

What can you put in your case notebook?

How about:

⇒ facts on the case (what really happened)
⇒ notes on every phone call
⇒ notes on every meeting
⇒ notes on every visitation
⇒ contacts with expert witnesses (you NEED them!)
⇒ notes about the court hearings
⇒ notes on anything out of the ordinary that happens
⇒ counseling appointment notes
⇒ notes about the psychological evaluation
⇒ a record of all drug tests and results
⇒ reminders about the date of the next hearing
⇒ visitation notes
⇒ foster parent names and contact information if you have it
⇒ notes on all contacts or attempted contacts with your lawyer
⇒ notes on your daily activities

About this last item – it is helpful to have a running record of where you were and what you were doing at all times in case something happens such as what happened to me during my last CPS court appearance, which was way back in 1990. More than eighteen years ago! I was in court for the six-month hearing and was informed when I got there that my child’s paternal grandmother had accused me of being with her son, which in my case was a bad thing because the case was based on him battering me. I was there to tell the court he was no longer in my life and that my child would be safe with me.

Apparently, she claimed that her two youngest children had seen me riding with him on a moped a few days earlier. This was totally untrue but she had the accusers write statements for the court saying they’d seen me with him. The court postponed the hearing for another day and that gave me the opportunity to write a declaration (affidavit) explaining where I’d been at the time the younger siblings said they’d seen me with their older brother. I also got a supporting declaration from the person I’d actually been with. Fortunately I knew exactly where I’d been at the time, and the court was convinced I was telling the truth.

This is just one example of how an ongoing, frequently updated case notebook could save your family

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