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By Tank | Dec 3, 2020


At 2:30 AM this morning I said good night to my one-man video editing team and we finished recording. Kevin is one of the many amazing people my team has cultivated, a previously unappreciated resource: talented, awake, generous, and kind. I consider it my true area of expertise to see the hidden qualities a person wants desperately to express and to provide the support, venue, and permission for him to be exceptional in that area. Some of our most valuable and loyal contributors have bourgeoned into leaders because we believed they could be the full expression of themselves and helped them get there. Our leadership team has become experts at doing this well. We specialize in empowering people to be the best versions of themselves and allowing them to define how they will best flourish.

Kevin and had I pushed back our schedule a few hours so I could attend a Young Republicans meeting taking place that evening. This meeting was presented to me as an opportunity to meet Long Island leadership to discuss solutions to the current state of affairs. I attended the meeting hoping I’d find a spark of light and some kind of awakening to government oversight that has lost sight of its purpose and responsibility. Instead, the crowd of young lawyers, early-stage freemasons, and various government council representatives offered posing and staged soundbites.

A gentleman displaying a black eagle and a mason pin on his lapel brought up the importance of uniting communities. Having spoken with him previously I asked, “What have you done to accomplish that?” He promptly answered that he talks to “every person he encounters” and “plants seeds for unification.” I pushed, “We’ve spoken three times tonight. Just what seeds have you planted to create an opportunity to take unifying action?”

He paused, mouth agape suddenly as if he’d never been questioned like this, accustomed to do no more than appear at mixers and parrot answers to questions that only skimmed the surface of a topic without asking for more. He had no idea of the things that needed to change, how to change them, or that there were problems at all. I couldn’t help but think of how I’d left Kevin waiting, undoubtedly hard-at-work pulling graphics and perfecting components that were needed to launch a world-changing network, while here I was engaged in a meaningless game of Let’s Pretend. These government types were the next class of Manchurian Candidates, programmed to excel in a box of limited options without consequences. It reminded me of a Pac Man game, chasing after ghosts as you consumed as much as you could, hoping to get to the next level with no change, and no real challenge or reward.

I’m the guy you don’t want to bring to parties, because I refuse to engage in arbitrary nonsense or pop culture chatter, ignoring the posturing of those trying to improve their networks while vying for attention from pretenders whose value is based on their wallets. I asked instead about their masonic pins and what they hoped to achieve by their association in an order which keeps the knowledge of its members compartmentalized. I broke down the rituals of hierarchy and what happens once moving beyond the 33 degrees with which they were familiar. I explained the dark origin of masonic symbolism and the reasons those such as themselves were kept grossly uninformed of the order’s true nature.

They gathered around the living room staged to be used as a photo op demonstrating their down-to-earth people connection, or whatever qualities their future campaign managers deemed necessary to spin their image, surprised or disbelieving of these revelations. This was the closest any of them had ever come to an honest public exchange of ideas. They shared that they wanted to start their own business one day, hold a political office, or make “a difference in their community.” Again, soundbites. This moment lasted for 12 minutes.

I listened then told them I represented the Global Repository, the source for humanitarian funding formerly controlled by the United Nations, and which was responsible for managing worldwide assets. I was looking for people with innovative ideas with positive impact, I explained, with funds available for virtually anything benefitting humanity, the planet, or the human experience. My words were intentionally provocative and as the politicians in the room understood I was talking about funding, they sat up in their seats.

I stayed for another hour in case there was some value I’d overlooked. Of the 25 people in attendance, not one had shared an original thought. It was Deep State leadership in action: a group of young professionals from excellent schools following the paths laid out for them, never checking to see where a course of action that departed from the party line might lead. They sought to change nothing. Their purpose was to profit from the pretense of doing good work while repeating a string of words designed to create an unthinking following: God. Imagine. Unity. Family. If asked, none of them would have been able to say what these things actually meant.

Image is of utmost importance when you intended to do nothing. There’s no need to change something that has served generations of your family. Gathering from the two most affluent counties in the country, these young minds had become fat with the expectation that everything would go their way. They were self-deserving and self-serving, reared on the fable that their bloodline, backstory, and family name was exceptional for no other reason than their perception, and ours. They too believed an illusion. For this reason, they failed to pursue greatness. They had retired before even beginning the positions they sought to attain.

I’ve never been impressed with titles or fortune. Like, fame, they seem like arbitrary entitlements, a generational wealth built upon the harvesting of energy, feeding off generations of lost souls, taking advantage of those desperate for relief and for some kind of realization of their suppressed dreams. The elite parade their mediocrity before individuals who have been groomed to give up their birthright as Creators, Guardians, and True Ambassadors for the Most High. The numbness is pervasive, the elite design crumbling while issuing a stench as rotten as the facade it is built on.  These are not elite they believe themselves to be, but bottom dwellers feeding on the carcasses they created.

We, the people have allowed bottom dwellers to feed on our ideas, labor, time, and energy. All this for a few hours of escape from our disappointment and subverted dreams, succumbing to the programming that dictates that life is hard, the sky is limited, and that’s just the way things work. People have come to believe this limitation, and allow it to dictate their fate. Through diversion and illusion, we maintain this mindset instead of embracing the relentless pursuit of excellence.

What happens when the leaders among us emerge with their innovative ideas and gain access to the same resources as the mediocre elite have misused for eons?  What are the possibilities when humanity stops playing the game of Let’s Pretend? What happens when humanity stops ignoring crimes because the offending individuals have money? What happens when humanity stops compromising its most sacred beliefs?

The sky is not the limit; it’s where you learn how to fly. Life is amazing! But you have to be willing to discover why. Everything we thought was the way it is, is wrong.  We decide the way it is and what the possibilities can be. What is possible is up to each one of us, and it is not limited to what you only think is real.

We endeavor to create a new reality with new metrics by which to measure success. We never miss an opportunity to share our ideas, our ideals, or our vision. I’m not surprised when an early riser like Kevin stays up until two in the morning to record a broadcast that reveals the truth, creating yet another opportunity to awaken the sleeping masses. People like Kevin want to be themselves, to be free, to be appreciated, and are not enslaved by the limits of someone else’s expectations. If this is the case for one individual, what is the possibility for humanity?

You decide.

© 2020, Tank. All rights reserved.

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There are a hundred reasons to be suspicious of vaccines and the all-out push to make them mandatory, i.e. NON-CONSENSUAL, erasing basic civil rights including our sovereign natural right to determine, and to know, exactly what goes into ours and our children’s bodies.

For those asking themselves, Isn’t this just to make sure everyone is safe from disease

Possibly adding,  You are probably one of those psuedoscientific fringe dwellers my pediatrcian warned me about. My doctor wouldn’t force me to put toxic chemicals into my precious child, much less ingredients and synergistic combinations that destroy natural immune function–

–and include cancer genes, that actually GIVE you cancer,

— and include aborted fetus parts, 

–and are untested, with no long term results

–and  include deadly toxins like mercury and aluminum and thimerosal (despite unsubstantiated claims to the contrary and false debunking CIA sites like Snopes and sites paid for by Big Pharma) 

–and that actually don’t work, right?

You are obviously a batsh@#T crazy conspiracy theorist!

You must be aware by now of some problems with this argument.

Let’s begin  with:

IF your child is vaccinated against diseases, why then are you worried about unvaccinated children spreading them to your child?   

The Big Pharma Medical Program

Pediatricians, like all doctors, are indoctrinated into the big PHARMA MEDICAL PROGRAM in schools,  and become increasingly sewn in throughout their careers, until they are 100% committed financially, moralistically and philosophically. You think your doctor is good and kind and cares deeply about your child. But they buy into the BS like so many of us, compartmentalizing inner objections or thoughts contrary to popular thinking, lest breaking out of this box gets them into trouble, censured, on some level ousted—or worse.

Pay-to-Play Vax Program

Don’t believe me? Whistleblowers (who haven’t been suicided) have revealed the ENORMOUS financial bonuses given to pediatricians by vaccines makers, upwards of $80k+  a year.

Incentivizing Pediatricians to Follow the CDC Vaccine Schedule

Are Physicians Given Financial Incentives to Vaccinate Our Children?

Add to this the endless supply of propaganda (read garbage) from the BOUGHT AND SOLD FDA AND AMA, and the murder of those who speak out—and you’ve got a highly toxic industry machine that forces out all parents who ask questions and try to exempt their children from this illegal and highly virulent process.

The argument most people have with themselves over thie v a c c i n a t i o n issue is based on  fraudulant information, and is too extensive to go into here. Stated simply, there are grave reasons to be skeptical of v a c c i n e s and and their toxicity, as well as the motive for including these toxic ingredients, their true efficacy and untested long term effects, as well the enormous push to  mandate vaccines across the board.

Let’s repeat that. No matter how toxic, ineffective, or unnecessary they may be, vaccines are being forced upon us without exception–eradicating all medical, physical, philosophical  and religious exclusions.

From a SPEAK Project team member:  “I can tell you from personal experience that my oncologist wanted to give me an entire repertoire of vaccines after my bone marrow transplant. I refused 3 times, and after the 3rd time he brought two nurses with him on the 4th attempt to get me to take them. 

After I refused he said ” What if I could prove to you we have 2 sets of vaccines. One for the regular people with all the additives and one set for the GOOD people ?”

After I picked myself off the floor I told him I would think about it.

My Doctor’s name was Dr. Faid Anwar

University of Arizona Oncologist

The type of universal mandate being set for vaccines should be of concern to everyone and set off some ferocious-sounding bells. 

Does this really sound like a public health concern to you, or does it reek of tyranny? 

Add to this the refusal of congress to allow vaccine to accept legal responisbility for vaccine injuries.

Add to this the crackdown by YouTube, Google, Amazon, and all social media on any talk about vaccines, including the shut out of major health sites like Dr. Mercola and Natural News, and you have got to be wondering:

 What Don’t They Want Us To Know or to Tell Each Another?

The Biggest Untold Secret & Murder Of Those Who Tried To Share This Truth 

Let’s start with the murdered Holistic doctors list. There are too many to successfully count, but health advocates like Erin Elizabeth at Heath Nut News (banned ) and Dr. Rima at Natural Solutions have done their best to keep up.

There are obvious unifying factors among these doctors, and the first is that  most, if not all of them, understood the causative link between autism and v a c c i n e s.

Some shared this information publically, or among their patients. Now they are dead.

Is the Autism Epidemic Real?

The next, lesser known fact that links many of these doctors is the link between v a c c i n e s and cancer. Specifically, vax makers have added a substance that blocks the body’s ability to fight cancer. 

What’s more, they have added substance added to v a c c i n es that gives you cancer. YES, GIVES YOU CANCER.  

Can you say $200 billon+ cancer industry??

The Cancer Industry is Too Prosperous to Allow a Cure

The  doctors who shared the truth of vaccines, the things they contained and worse, and the harm they caused, are yes, BOOM. DEAD.


Nagalese is an ingredient included in nearly all vaccines. Nagalese is a protein created by cancer cells that prevents vitamin D from being produced in the body. Vitamin D is the body’s primary natural defense against cancer cells.

Vitamin D also prevents autism, which is why perhaps nagalese is present in high concentrations in autistic children. This, undoubtedly is the missing link whcich multiple holistic doctors found, and which brought about their murders.

From Dr. Mike Nichols:

“Nagalase is an enzyme found in the body and it has a role to play in breaking down the sugar we take in our food into other forms that can be utilized in the body in the struggle for survival. However, nagalase is a short form for the incredibly long scientific name it represents: N-acetyl-Galactosaminidase. Nagalase has specialized in splitting off a specific sugar molecule from other large molecules. This molecule is known as N-acetyl galactosamine. Nagalase splits this molecule from Vitamin D-binding protein (DBP) that can be found in serum and is also known as Gc-protein. 

The important thing about nagalase is that the scientific community has discovered nagalase levels are increased in patients with tumors (cancer) 1, 2. Furthermore, nagalase depresses the activity of the immune system, and this activity helps cancer cells to grow and tumors to metastasize (spread) to other body organs and sites. Nagalase Testing – What is Nagalase and Why You Need to Know About It?

From “The GCMAF Book:

“Nagalase is a protein made by all cancer cells and viruses (HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, influenza, herpes, Epstein-Barr virus, and others).  

Why is Nagalase important?

Nagalase causes immunodeficiency. Nagalase blocks production of GcMAF, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job. Without an active immune system, cancer and viral infections can grow unchecked.

As an extremely sensitive marker for all cancers, Nagalase provides a powerful system for early detection.

Serial Nagalase testing provides a reliable and accurate method for tracking the results of any therapeutic regimen for cancer, AIDS, or other chronic viral infection.

Nagalase proves that cancer cells break all the rules

Normal healthy cells cooperate with one another in a concerted effort to further the good of all. Cancer cells refuse to play ball. Their disdainful attitude toward the rest of our cellular community is appalling. For example, these cellular scofflaws ignore clear messages to stop growing and spreading and encroaching on their neighbor’s space. How would you like it if your neighbor moved his fence over into your backyard?

Of all the rules cancer cells break, none is more alarming than the production of Nagalase, the evil enzyme that completely hog-ties the immune system army’s ability to stop cancer cells.

Virus particles also make Nagalase. Their goal is the same as that of the cancer cells: survival by incapacitating their number one enemy: the immune system.”


GcMAF, on the other hand, (group specific component macrophage activating factor) is the protein made by your body to activate anti-cancer immune activity.

From the disbanded and banned 8 Chan:

Nagalese blocks the G cMAFprotein from attaching itself to vitamin D, thus preventing the immune system from doing its job and therefore causing cancer and other serious diseases. Without an active immune system, cancer and viral infections can spread rapidly.

Remarkably, there’s a significant amount of research available on nagalase and the GcMAF protein. Citing a chapter from The GcMAF Book by Dr. Tim Smith, MD, Dr. Broer said:

Nagalase is like a stealth bomber, the nagalase enzyme synthesized in or released from cancer cells or a virus particle pinpoints the GcMAF protein facilities on the surface of your T and B lymphocytes and simply wipes them out with an incredibly precise bomb.

How precise? Nagalase locates and attacks one specific two-electron bond located only at the 420th amino acid position on a huge protein molecule, one of tens of thousands of proteins, each containing millions of electrons.

This is like selectively taking out a park bench in a major city from 6,000 miles away. More astonishingly, if that is possible, nagalase never misses its target, so there is no collateral damage.

U.S. govt. search warrant document served against Dr. Jeffrey Bradstreet to confiscate GcMAF from his research facility.

Americans Can Handle an Open Discussion on Vaccines—RFK, Jr. Responds to Criticism from His Family

GcMAF: A Potential Anti-Cancer Therapy?

Boom: Google Crushes Traffic To By 99%

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A Plea to President Trump – Vaccinations and Our Constitutional Rights




The push to silence vaccine debate through censure and murder, and the state-mandated erasure of civil rights, is meant to dramatically inflate the $200billion cancer industry with the inclusion of the GcMAF blocking substance nagalase, and other disease-creating immune suppressants.

Please read this article to gain more information:

Vax Facts: The Biggest Untold Secret & The Big Pharma Hit Squad

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The Supreme Court Rules Vaccines as Unavoidably Unsafe




The article by Ariana Cha exemplified what pharmaceutical companies love to parade. Basically, be afraid of measles, mumps and chicken pox, but vaccines are totally safe. Don’t trust the “fraudulent” Andrew Wakefield.

The Supreme Court has ruled vaccines are “unavoidably unsafe.” Vaccines contain mercury, formaldehyde, aluminum, polysorbate 80, cell lines from aborted fetuses, tissue from hamsters, dog kidneys, monkeys, peanut oil adjuvants and much more. Would you put this in your child’s orange juice? No! Allowing hazardous material injections into their children’s bloodstreams has caused untold grief for tens of thousands of parents.

Congress protects the pharmaceutical companies from liability.

Vaccine Injury Court has paid out over $3 billion in damages.

Vaccines are not run through the same rigorous trials as drugs. A “vaccinated vs. unvaccinated” study has never been conducted. No one has ever done a double-blind placebo controlled study on multiple-dose vaccines given multiple times.

Most people who express vaccination concerns were at one time ardent proponents. The illness breakouts are occurring among the vaccinated.

The number of reported adverse reactions to the MMR since 1990 is nearly 7,000, and most are not reported. Why didn’t the article mention that?

A reasonable adult might be able to think that multiple toxic and neurotoxic substances simultaneously and repeatedly injected into the bloodstream just might cause problems. How does this match the “First do no harm” mantra?

The Disneyland measles fiasco created by the media was designed to raise fear. None of the children died. The media failed to mention that we now have an autism rate of 1 in 68. Autism is far more life-debilitating than measles. By 2025, the projected rate is 1 out of 2, and we are still saying vaccines don’t cause it. That makes some people feel good, but the reality is that many parents know better.

A good reporter digs for truth. Vaccines, however, are fiercely protected from exposure to truth. The media is solidly in bed with vaccine manufacturers. Thus, we have a grassroots movement that is trying to get the attention of the government, the media and the people.

The journalist, doctor, researcher or scientist who really listens, researches and thinks critically stands to lose everything. Guaranteed. Most are not willing to pay that price.

Meanwhile, our children are paying heavily. They have behavioral disorders, autism, asthma, allergies, seizures, permanent disabilities and much more. The pediatric specialists have waiting lists; the special education and regular classroom teachers are alarmed. The cost of caring for autistic children now totals $2,400,000,000,000 while we argue and believe the lies that vaccines have nothing to do with it. This helps the vaccine manufacturers keep the projected income increase at 12.63 percent while our children continue to be sacrificed on their altar.

Wake up, people! Documented evidence indicates that your doctor, public health worker and legislator have been intentionally uninformed by the CDC concerning the dangers of vaccines and the “herd immunity myth.” Go to or to learn more.

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